Wednesday, September 24, 2008

REPLAY In Baseball

Replay in baseball has been very appealing in baseball since the first use with New York Yankees Third-Baseman Alex Rodriguez in the game against the Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Rodriguez hit a shot down the left field line which was fair, but looked very different to the Devil Rays manager Joe Maddon and Rays catcher Dioner Navarro. A protest came up to home plate umpire Charlie Reliford. Which triggered the first instant replay in the MLB.


Since when did baseball need instant replay? When did the umpires start making bad calls? Since when does a homerun, not become a homerun? Did the ball hit to low below the yellow line? Is the MLB organization going to have to hire a third umpire?

All these questions arise but to my knowledge the instant replay DOES NOT belong in MLB. Baseball already has four umpires: one behing the plate, one in the infield and two down the foul lines. NOW, if one of the umpires can't make a right call it looks like the MLB organization is going to have to hire one's that will. This instant replay takes the game of baseball away and makes it longer as well.

CALLED TIME, ARGUING, FIGHTING and now INSTANT REPLAY. An umpire may never make a right call or at least he won't make a descent call, but that is the game of baseball. There is no need for replay if it is not going to be used for the whole game of baseball and not just HOMERUN calls. Umpires will still get the, "DO YOU NEED EYE GLASSES TO SEE THAT CALL BLUE." Obviously if umpires can't see the ball and make a call then they either need glasses or they need to hire new ones. Because they ain't going to hire a fifth umpire and surely they don't need the instant replay. It will just make the game even slower.

Baseball is on a time limit of how fast the PITCHER wants to go. Not for the umpires to step in and take more time to look at the towering shot off that pitcher that just made a mistake and the hitter put the ball into the upper deck and the umpire couldn't make the right call. We all know in the umpires right mind he just couldn't see that it was fair and stick with the call that was made final. HOMERUN.

Visit this cite and see for yourself and make a comment of what you think should happen with INSTANT REPLAY IN Major League Baseball.;_ylu=X3oDMTEydWhsNGpuBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0gxODdfODI-/SIG=132o4rd6v/EXP=1222398858/**http%3a//

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